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RMEQ Responds to President Trump’s Executive Order Banning Transgender Individuals In The Military


Our CEO Mardi Moore responded to President Donald Trump’s executive order banning transgender individuals from serving in the military, saying:

“This latest attack on transgender Americans doesn’t just undermine our nation’s core values, it weakens our national security. Military service should be based on ability, dedication, and the capacity to meet the rigorous standards required—in other words, someone’s ability to get the job done. Thousands of transgender service members are already serving with distinction, demonstrating their qualifications and commitment every single day. Their removal from service would deprive our military of skilled individuals essential to maintaining readiness and effectiveness.”

“At its core, military service is about unity and shared purpose. When individuals put on the uniform, their differences are set aside in pursuit of a common mission. Excluding capable people solely because of their identity does a disservice to the values our armed forces are sworn to uphold.”

“Policies like the President’s executive order can disrupt unit cohesion, create unnecessary personnel gaps, and place additional strain on those who remain in service. A strong military is built on retaining talent and experience, not casting it out. By disqualifying individuals who are fully capable of fulfilling their duties, this ban puts the safety and security of all Americans at risk.”

“Rocky Mountain Equality remains steadfast in our support for all service members, including transgender people who have answered the call.”

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