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RMEQ Responds to President Trump’s Executive Order on Gender Ideology


In response to President Trump’s executive order, titled “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government” and his unprecedented number of executive orders, Rocky Mountain Equality issued the following statements.

Mardi Moore, CEO of Rocky Mountain Equality, stated:

“No matter which side of the aisle you’re on here in Colorado, most people agree that freedom and privacy are bedrock rights. President Trump’s executive actions are a heavy-handed attack on those rights. By shoving the government into people’s private lives for political reasons and going after transgender, immigrant, and other vulnerable communities, this administration is stirring up fear and division. Everyone, including trans people, deserves respect, dignity, and the right to live their lives without interference. This kind of overreach is not just wrong—it’s downright dangerous.”

Bruce Parker, COO of Rocky Mountain Equality, added:

“This executive order, and many of the others, add unnecessary and possibly dangerous challenges for so many people in this country who simply want safe places to live, work, and learn. Government should be about helping folks come together and making life a little easier and fairer for themselves, their families, and their neighbors—not making it harder on whole groups of people just to score political points. We need policies that unite us and ensure everyone feels safe and valued, no matter who they are or where they come from. This isn’t just bad policy; it’s harmful to the very fabric of our communities.”

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