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Mardi Moore has dedicated her life’s work to elevating the rights, visibility, safety, and socio-economic status of the LGBTQ+ community, building grassroots organizations from the ground up, living through the AIDS pandemic, and continuing to see the gradual, albeit slower-than-wished, acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community into mainstream public discourse.
Moore has been on the frontlines of the good fight for 30 years at the local and national level, recognizing that her role in demanding inclusion and diversity needed to go beyond armchair activism. She currently serves as Chief Executive Officer for Rocky Mountain Equality (formerly Out Boulder County), a Colorado-based not-for-profit organization with the mission of working independently and in collaboration, we facilitate connection, advocacy, education, research and programs to ensure LGBTQ+ people and communities thrive in Boulder County and beyond. Under her leadership, the organization has grown five-fold in seven years by modeling equality, respect, intersectional empathy, and deep understanding of the fundamental human right to fall asleep at night dreaming of an optimistic, realistic tomorrow.
Prior to leading Rocky Mountain Equality, Moore held senior-level positions in New York City with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the NYC LGBT Center, and ran a fundraising business in Seattle raising over $2M annually for progressive causes.